50+ Years of GWS!
GWS Past, Present, & Future Heading link
A Short History of GWS
On February 15, 1972, women faculty and students who were active in campaigns for university-sponsored childcare and adequate health services held a teach-in to celebrate Susan B. Anthony's birthday and focus on women's issues. They formed a new student and faculty women's group called the Circle Women's Liberation Union, which eventually created the Women's Studies Program.

GWS Students Take the Lead
During the Fall 2021 semester, students in Professor Elena Gutiérrez’s GWS 390 Feminism and Social Change class created a ’zine and accompanying podcast based on their research on the history of GWS at UIC and as a broader field of study.

GWS 50th Anniversary Celebration
On March 9, 2023, the GWS community gathered at the Jane Addams Hull House Museum for a daylong celebration titled "Feminist Futures."

GWS Moving Forward
GWS' incredible undergraduate and graduate students and alumni keep our program strong and push the field forward.