Stephanie Riger, PhD
Professor Emerita
Gender and Women's Studies; and Psychology
Building & Room:
1223 UH
601 S Morgan St.
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Stephanie Riger is currently conducting a study of substance abuse as it affects both perpetrators and victims in Cook County's Domestic Violence Court.
The former Director of the Gender & Women's Studies Program, she has been names a University Scholar, UIC's highest faculty honor, and is the recipient of UIC's Graduate Mentoring Award and Teaching Recognition Program Award. She was awarded the American Psychological Association Division 27 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Research and Theory, and the Seymour Sarason Award for innovative and influential research. She is also a two-time winner of the Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology. She received her BA and PhD from the University of Michigan.
Selected Publications
PhD, Psychology - University of Michigan, 1973