GWS in the News

Dr. Elena R. Gutiérrez Co-Edits New Book, Chicago Latina Trailblazers

Dr. Elena R. Gutiérrez (she/her/hers; they/them/theirs), Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies; Latin American and Latino Studies at UIC, has co-edited an essential new book, Chicago Latina Trailblazers: Testimonios of Political Activism,…

Nadine Naber, PhD, Recognized as a 2024 Freedom Scholar

Dr. Nadine Naber, Interim Director and Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies; Global Asian Studies; Anthropology has been recognized as a 2024 Freedom Scholar by the Marguerite Casey Foundation, recognizing her exceptional work…

Esther Díaz Martín Co-Authors "Sounding Out!" Piece

Rebecca Rivas and Esther Díaz Martín, Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Latin American and Latino Studies, co-authored a post about politics and lucha libre for Sounding Out! 

Professor Nadine Naber on DNC Protests

Nadine Naber, Interim Director and Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and Professor of Global Asian Studies, was quoted in media stories about the protests surrounding the 2024 Democratic National Convention here in…

Veteran Art Triennial Explores the "Transformative Power of Art"

Congratulations to Dr. Ronak K. Kapadia, Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies; Dr. Therese Quinn, Professor and Director of Museum and Exhibition Studies and GWS Affiliated Faculty Member; and Aaron Hughes, Adjunct…

Dr Nadine Naber Awarded the 2022 Carl Bode-Norman Holmes Pearson Prize

Congratulations to Dr. Nadine Naber for winning the 2022 Carl Bode-Norman Holmes Pearson Prize for lifetime achievement and outstanding contribution to American Studies! Dr. Nadine Suleiman Naber’s accomplishments are summarized in the nomination…

Nadine Naber Featured in Chicago Tribune

A Chicago Tribune article about MAMAS (Mamas Activating Movements for Abolition and Solidarity) and the group’s work to integrate mother’s voices into social movements features a Q&A with the group’s co-directors, one of…

Dr. Nadine Naber Published in TruthOut

Dr. Nadine Naber, Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Director of Undergraduate Studies, has published an opinion editorial in TruthOut. Read more here:

Gayatri Reddy Winner of Janet Smith Organizing Award

“Finally, at noon of the last day of classes we will gather outside University Hall–rain or shine–to celebrate the life and leadership of our late great UICUF president Janet Smith; acknowledge and cheer…

Nadine Naber Named YWomen Honoree

GWS Professor Nadine Naber was highlighted as a YWomen Honoree during the month of March. Find out more information and watch the video here:

Barbara Ransby Receives the Franz Fanon Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Barbara Ransby, Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies, Black Studies, and History and MacArthur Endowed Chair, has received the Franz Fanon Lifetime Achievement Award from the Caribbean Philosophical Association. Read more here:…

Dr. Nadine Naber Featured in the Chicago Reporter

Nadine Naber, Professor of GWS and Global Asian Studies, has published her piece “Chicagoland Study Shows Why We Need a MENA Category in the U.S. Census” in The Chicago Reporter. Read more here:…

Barbara Ransby Featured in WBEZ's "Reset with Sasha-Ann Simons"

Dr. Barbara Ransby, UIC professor of Gender and Women’s Studies, Black Studies, and History; LAS Distinguished Professor; Director of the Social Justice Initiative; and MacArthur Endowed Chair at UIC, joined WBEZ’s “Reset with…

Barbara Ransby Featured in The Guardian

In a column published by The Guardian, Dr. Barbara Ransby, UIC Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies, Black Studies, and History and MacArthur Endowed Chair, reflects on the impact and legacy of feminist…

Professor Nadine Naber Featured in The Chicago Reporter

Nadine Naber, UIC Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Global Asian Studies, has published the opinion piece “The U.S. Has a Torture Problem Too” in the Chicago Reporter. Read more here:

Gayatri Reddy Featured in WGN Radio's "Outside the Loop"

Gayatri Reddy, UIC Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Anthropology, was featured in WGN Radio’s (AM 720) “Outside the Loop” segment with Anna Guevarra, UIC Director of Global Asian Studies and…

Nadine Naber Featured in The Chicago Reporter

Dr. Nadine Naber, Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Global Asian Studies, has written an opinion column titled “The Racism of the U.S.A. Patriot Act, Then and Now” that has been featured…

GWS Professor Emeritus John D' Emilio Featured in USA Today

John D’Emilio, UIC professor emeritus of gender and women’s studies and history, is featured in a USA Today article on the importance of LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ youth learning about the contributions and achievements…

GWS Professor Gayatri Reddy Featured in the Chicago Reporter

Gayatri Reddy, UIC Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and Anthropology, and Anna Guevarra, UIC Associate Professor and Director of Global Asian Studies, discuss urban removal in Uptown Chicago in the Chicago…

GWS Professor Nadine Naber Featured in the Chicago Reporter

UIC Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Global Asian Studies Nadine Naber writes about gender violence in Afghanistan and new but belated attention being given to the rights of Afghan women. Read…

GWS Professor Barbara Ransby Interviewed by WGBH Radio

NPR affiliate WGBH Radio interviewed UIC Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies Barbara Ransby during a news story on efforts by Boston area Black activists to turn the movements against racism into organized…

Q&A with GWS Professor Barbara Ransby in the Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Tribune features a Q&A with Barbara Ransby, MacArther Endowed Chair and Professor of Black Studies, Gender and Women’s Studies, and History at UIC. In addition to highlighting various recent honors Ransby…

ABC's Good Morning America Interviews GWS Professor Kishonna Gray

ABC’s Good Morning America interviews Kishonna Gray, UIC Assistant Professor of Communication and Gender and Women’s Studies, in a segment examining racial harassment in the online gaming community. “Sexism or racism in those…

UIC Historian Barbara Ransby Named Inaugural Freedom Scholar

Acclaimed University of Illinois at Chicago historian and GWS professor Barbara Ransby has been named a Freedom Scholar, a select group of progressive academics who are at the “forefront of movements for economic…

Professor Barbara Ransby Named MacArthur Chair

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Professor Barbara Ransby has been named a John D. MacArthur Endowed Chair. Ransby is a professor of History, Gender and Women’s Studies, and Black Studies, a College…

GWS Professor Kishonna Gray Featured on WFSU Radio

Dr. Kishonna Gray, UIC Assistant Professor of Communication and Gender & Women’s Studies, talks to WFSU Radio, the public media outlet of Tallahassee and Panama City, Florida, about allegations of sexual assault and…

Dr. Barbara Ransby Publishes in The Nation

Dr. Barbara Ransby, UIC professor of Black Studies, Gender and Women’s Studies, and History, writes about the legacy of the late U.S. Rep. John Lewis and how the current generation of young activists,…

GWS Faculty Receive Awards for Creative Activity

Congratulations to several GWS core and affiliate faculty who have been named recipients of the UIC Awards for Creative Activity program. Recipients include: GWS Core Faculty and Associate Professor of Anthropology Dr. Gayatri…

GWS Alumni Karla Solis Featured as a UIC Inspiring Grad

Karla Solis, now alum of UIC with Bachelor’s degrees in Gender & Women’s Studies and Latin American and Latino Studies was featured as one of UIC’s Inspiring Grads. Congratulations on all your hard…

Dr. Anna Guevarra Featured in UIC Today

Dr. Anna Guevarra, GWS affiliate faculty and Director of Global Asian Studies, was featured in UIC Today for her work with students on food and culture in  GLAS 230, Cultural Politics of Asian…

Dr. Esther Diaz Martin Publishes "Aprender Bordando"

Dr. Esther Diaz Martin has published a chapter titled “Aprender Bordando” in Voices from the Ancestors: Xicanx and Latinx Spiritual Expressions and Healing Practices (2019, University of Arizona Press)

Dr. Kishonna Gray Featured in BET Op Ed

Dr. Kishonna Gray, Assistant Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and Communication at UIC was featured in an Op Ed in BET: The U.S. Video Game Industry Just Generated 43.4 Billion In Revenue…

The Telegraph (UK) Features Dr. Kishonna Gray

The Telegraph (UK) features Dr. Kishonna Gray, UIC Assistant Professor of Communication and Gender and Women’s Studies, discussing what impact violent video games has on behavior versus the influence of recruiters within gaming…

Professor Barbara Ransby Publishes Op-Ed in New York Times

The New York Times published an op-ed from Dr. Barbara Ransby, UIC professor of African American studies, Gender and Women’s Studies, and History. Professor Ransby writes about ‘The Squad’ – U.S. Representatives Ayanna…

Barbara Ransby and Beth Richie Featured in NYT

Dr. Barbara Ransby and Dr. Beth Richie Featured in NYT Highlight on “Black Women in Chicago, Getting Things Done.” Dr. Barbara Ransby is Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies, African American Studies and…

Anna Guevarra Awarded 2018 Holland Prize

Dr. Anna Romina Guevarra, Director of UIC Global Asian Studies, has been awarded the 2018 Holland Prize for the best article published in Volume 91 (2018) of Pacific Affairs. Dr. Guevarra’s article, “Mediations of Care:…

Barbara Ransby Featured by Democracy Now!

Dr. Barbara Ransby Featured by Democracy Now! discussing Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago mayoral victory, “Chicago Makes Herstory: First African American Woman and Gay Chicago Mayor Wins in Landslide.”

Barbara Ransby Featured on NPR's "All Things Considered"

Dr. Barbara Ransby, UIC Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies, African American Studies, and History, was featured on NPR’s “All Things Considered,” discussing the significance of two black women in a race to…

Professor Jennifer Brier Featured in Chicago Tribune

Professor Jennifer Brier, GWS Director and Professor of History, was featured in an article in the Chicago Tribune on a UIC initiative to sponsor arts and humanities projects among the three University of…

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